Play Fair, ZEC And Chigumba Told
18 June 2018
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Grace Kwinjeh

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has consistently refused to avail the electronic copy of the voters’ roll to the MDC Alliance, in particular, our Presidential Candidate Advocate Nelson Chamisa despite persistent requests.

It has come to our attention that despite Justice Priscilla Chigumba’s claims that presidential candidates are a priority, independent National Assembly candidates, civil society organisations and some foreign embassies have already been given the electronic voters’ roll. Advocate Nelson Chamisa remains without access despite making repeated requests in terms of the guidelines issued by ZEC. We condemn the shifting of positions by ZEC regarding making available the voters roll to all political parties and candidates.

We also condemn the selective and partial manner in which the voters’ roll has been issued to selected actors. We urge ZEC to abide by the Electoral Act and not be in contempt of the court’s decision ordering it to avail the voters’ roll to candidates on nomination. The history of our struggle for political reform in Zimbabwe has not just been to remove the incompetent incumbent, it continues to be a battle for a level playing field and laying a permanent foundation for democratic processes.

If the upcoming elections are to be legitimate, free, fair and credible, we demand a high level of impartiality from all observer missions, whom we urge to exercise caution and avoid being used by ZEC to legitimise its deplorable acts.

Grace Kwinjeh
MDC Representative To The EU