DOKORA’S CURRICULUM: Mnangagwa Admin At War With Headmasters
21 June 2018
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By Dorrothy Moyo| Despite bitter protests from millions of Zimbabweans against former Education Minister Lazarus Dokora’s dodgy educational curriculum, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration has moved to pressurise headmasters on implementing it.

Dokora was the ugliest face in former President Robert Mugabe’s government on education and he led one of the most worst managed ministries in the world that saw even pupils scoffing at the state. When Operation Restore Order was performed last year,

Yesterday the new Education Minister Professor Paul Mavima accused school heads of sabotaging the implementation of Dokora’s education curriculum by failing to cooperate with Government in the programme.

Officiating at the National Association of Secondary Heads (Nash) conference in Victoria Falls yesterday, Professor Mavima said Government had already suspended the tasks which were introduced through the new curriculum.

He, quoted by the state owned Chronicle paper said a review process addressing concerns that Nash members are raising now was already underway and accused the school heads of ignoring official communication from the ministry.

The association had implored Government to urgently review some sections of the new education curriculum saying some of its provisions make it difficult for pupils to proceed to tertiary education or become relevant to industry.

“It appears there was division where school heads were saying the ministry is the policy maker and they could not do anything. There can’t be a separation between you as heads and the Permanent Secretary’s office because you are the advocates for the new curriculum and your role is to help in implementation,” said Prof Mavima.

“I have heard your concerns that tasks are too many, time consuming and expensive. This shows that there is no communication because I have suspended the tasks and said I don’t want to see them until the same things you are complaining about are addressed.

“There is a process happening and we may end up with projects other than tasks. I notice you seem not to want to get communication when it’s given to you,” he said.

He challenged Nash members to continuously engage on issues affecting the education sector.

“I ordered an evaluation which I want to believe you are aware of. Some schools were randomly sampled and the team is finalising findings of which we have made recommendations,” added Prof Mavima.

He challenged teachers to play their role in enhancing socio-economic transformation in the country.

The minister said teachers hold the most important role in the transformation process to lay the foundation for an effective and innovative human capital.

He appealed to teachers to rigorously push for the implementation of the new curriculum, adding that the era of mere theoretical work was over.

Prof Mavima called for transformation of the education sector, saying the country had already lost a generation of economic development through creation of “hopeless people who can only get value in themselves outside the country.”

Nash president Mr Johnson Madhuku said school heads were not aware of some of the developments done by the ministry.

About 1 500 delegates are attending the conference which ends today under the theme: “Education for economic transformation.” – state media