MDC Alliance Youth Assembly Member Arrested For Plotting To Remove Mnangagwa
25 June 2018
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Own Correspondent| MDC Alliance Youth Assembly member Panashe Chaya has been arrested for ” plotting to remove” Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa from power.

Mr Mnangagwa rose to power after toppling his long time boss Robert Mugabe via ” Operation Restore Legacy.”

Chaya was arrested in Zimunya area, Manicaland days after entering the country from Canada.

Police and Zanu PF agents accused him of plotting to remove Emmerson Mnangagwa from power through working with foreign agents.

He was interrogated by known Zanu PF agents while detained in police cells.

“Chaya, a member of the MDC Alliance Youth Assembly was arrested and detained for allegedly plotting to remove Zanu PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa from power. We condemn the harassment of our Youth Assembly member.
Being a member of the opposition is not a crime,” said the MDC Alliance in a brief statement.

Political observers say the persecution of Chaya indicates that Zanu PF regime has not changed at all.

“We are witnessing the persecution of perceived government opposition under the so called new dispensation.

The regime is unwilling to reform. Chaya was simply exercising his freedom of belief, thought, opinion and expression,” said one political analyst.

Another political story…

Engelbert Rugeje

By Own Correspondent| Aides to Zanu Pf National Political Commissar Retired Brigadier General Engelbert Rugeje bashed a party supporter during a consultative meeting at Zibwowa in Ward 20, Zaka East for openly accusing their boss of candidate imposition.

Samere “Majavha” Makusha broke protocol and defied Rugeje’s directive not to ask questions when he stood up and accused the Zanu Pf boss of being the chief architect of candidate imposition in their constituency.

Makusha reportedly stood up and told Rugeje to his face that his imposed candidate Ringisai Gumbwanda would be defeated in the forthcoming general elections slated for July 30.

Before Makusha could sit down, five men who were reported to be Rugeje’s aides attacked him, slapping him on the face before dragging him to a nearby anthill where they thoroughly beat him. Makusha claimed that along the way, one of the aides allegedly produced a gun and hit him on the back.

“I stood up and told PC Rugeje that Zanu-PF risks losing Zaka East because the leadership was imposing a candidate who is not popular at the grassroots.

A candidate who is popular was disqualified under unclear circumstances, while the other one’s name was omitted on the ballot paper. As I was speaking, I was surrounded by five men, two in front and one of them slapped me twice on the cheek.

“They dragged me to a place behind an anthill while the other guy kept on hitting me with the butt of the gun. They tried, but in vain, to push me to the ground and some party supporters intervened and rescued me. My leg was injured during the attack,” said Makusha.

Contacted for comment, Rugeje refused to confirm the incident focusing instead on the consultations which he said went on very well.

“I addressed six meetings, they all went well and I never heard or saw anyone being attacked. We told them to support the candidate who won the primary elections,”

However, Zanu Pf supporters in Zaka East accused Rugeje of dictatorial tendencies saying the national commissar wants to apply force and command on the electorate.

They alleged that a lot of party supporters did not vote during primary elections and they wanted a re-run but Rugeje allegedly told them that they should forget and smile, saying Gumbwanda was the candidate for Zaka East.

This caused some disgruntled party members to threaten a ‘bhora musango’, claiming the party was taking them for granted.

“In every election, the leadership imposes candidates on us and this time we are saying enough is enough. If they do not allow us to choose a candidate of our own choice, then we are going to vote for an opposition or independent candidate,” said one disgruntled supporter.

Some people said Talent Chivange was their preferred candidate but was disqualified for his alleged previous links to the G40 faction.

After Chivange was removed from the race, many party supporters turned to Clemence Chiduwa whose name, however, was mysteriously omitted from the ballot paper.