Churches Raise Concern On Increased Ndebele – Shona Tension In Matland
19 July 2018
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Rev Ray Motsi

CHURCHES in Bulawayo have expressed concern at the intensifying levels of tribal tension between the Shona and Ndebele in Matabeleland.

The churches have also challenged local politicians to demonstrate leadership and address tribalism openly.

Churches said it was worrying that communities were becoming divided as people were failing to see beyond surnames, which was affecting progress and unity.

Speaking at a peace meeting organised by a consortium of churches in Bulawayo on Friday, Reverend Useni Sibanda of Christian Alliance said tribal tension in the city was worrying.

Reverend Ray Motsi from the Theological College of Zimbabwe, said it was time the local political leadership in Matabeleland addressed the issue.

He urged the region’s leadership to openly speak about this problem because it was not going anywhere instead it was growing.

Motsi said such issues had to be dealt with by locals and not expect officials from Harare to talk about it.
