LIVE BLOG Voting Update In Chitungwiza
30 July 2018
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By 11 am at Chitungwiza hospital Tent A
Total voters 250 (Females 131, Males 119)
Turned away 14 (reasons: wrong polling station referred elsewhere)
Assisted voters 6 (all females) Authorities here said everything is going on well.The voting process is peaceful and everything going according to plan.

Chitungwiza Hospital Tent B By 11 am
Total voters 240 (Female 121, Males 119)
Turned away 12 (6 females, 6 males)
Assisted voters 8 (7 females and 1 male)

By 12 pm at Zengeza 4 Open Space Tent A
Total voters 284 (140 Female, 144 male)
Turned away 24 (11 males, 13 females) reasons not on voters roll, some brought drivers licence while others came to the wrong polling station.

Tent B Zengeza 4 Open Space
Total Voters 250 (126 Female, 124 males)
Turned away 15 (9 women, 6 men)
Assisted voters 2