Tsvangirai Family Urges Zimbabweans To Back Chamisa
30 July 2018
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THE late MDC-T and MDC Alliance leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s family has endorsed the party’s presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa’s candidature in today’s polls, saying the youthful opposition leader had the capacity to carry forward his predecessor’s legacy.

Tsvangirai’s daughter, Vimbai, told thousands of party supporters at a campaign rally in Harare on Saturday that Chamisa had proved beyond doubt that he captured the late trade unionist’s vision.

“When I arrived here (Freedom Square), my mind travelled back to February when we brought Tsvangirai’s body here before burial in Buhera. My arrival here brought back those sad memories but I said to myself everything has its time.

“July 30 (today) is about Tsvangirai’s legacy. Zimbabweans have said enough is enough. We are tired of hunger and this election is about Tsvangirai’s legacy. The time for slogans is over now we have to do the real thing, vote on July 30 and make sure Chamisa carries forward Tsvangirai’s legacy,” Vimbai said.

Tsvangirai died on Valentine’s Day, after a two year battle with colon cancer before Chamisa took over the leadership of the party but after a bruising fight with Thokozani Khupe who later moved on to form a breakaway faction of the MDC-T.

Chamisa’s biggest rival in the election, Zanu PF leader President Emmerson Mnangagwa came to power last November on the back of a military intervention that forced then President Robert Mugabe to resign amid countrywide protests from ordinary citizens.

The military intervention, code-named Operation Restore Legacy, came at a time when the power struggle inside Zanu PF had reached alarming levels with fears of civil strife.

Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga who was at the time of the intervention Defence Forces Commander, has declared that Operation Restore Legacy will only conclude after Mnangagwa’s election for a full five-year mandate.

Chamisa has on the other hand said victory was certain given the support he had received countrywide.
