Soldiers Remain In The Streets After A Day Of So Called Clashes
2 August 2018
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Soldiers and police guard the MDC Headquarters in Harare.

Soldiers walked the streets of the capital Harare on Thursday as subdued calm returned a day after soldiers killed three civilians.

Early this morning vice president Constantino Chiwenga was interviewed on ZimEye, and he gave staggering responses over the brutality. -WATCH BELOW:

Many shops were closed on a quiet Thursday morning in Harare, where scattered debris, charred remains from fires and a few dozen soldiers acted as a reminder of the violence that erupted a day before.

“Yesterday was a very sad day for Zimbabwe,” said minibus taxi driver Gift, glancing over his shoulder as a soldier smoking a cigarette looked on.

“We hope things remain quiet and we can all just forget about this election. We don’t know if it was fair. The government will do what they want.”

Security authorities have said the military will remain in the capital until “this situation is over” – a reference to opposition protests over alleged manipulation of election results.

Officials offered no new information on the three people killed after the military swept into Harare on Wednesday and started shooting to disperse opposition protesters.

Police have said they requested the military’s help because they were “unable to cope.”

Both the opposition and Western election observers have urged that results of the presidential election be released as soon as possible. Zimbabwe’s electoral commission said late yesterday that an announcement would come “sometime tomorrow” Thursday.