Male Nurse Dismissed After Telling Patient To Undress To Lower High Blood Pressure
12 April 2019
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Male Nurse Asks Female Patient To Undress To Lower Blood Pressure. The female’s mother says that the female was terrified after the event that occurred.

A nurse in South Africa was temporarily relieved from his duties after accusations of him sexually harassing a female patient. The man reportedly asked the female to take off her bra and unfasten her pants to help decrease her blood pressure. The 32-year-old is claimed to have then unfastened his pants and rubbed his private parts on the woman’s face.

Dharmendra Parekh, the manager of Isipingo JMH Hospital, says that the nurse has been temporarily relieved from his duties instantly on 3 April. The hospital is planning on conducting an examination. The manager of the hospital says that the patient’s relatives came to the hospital after the claimed sexual abuse.

The female’s mother says that the female was terrified after the event that occurred. The mother says that she was also terrified and had a hard time sleeping when the female told her about the event.

The mother says, “I only told my son what happened the following morning and he insisted we notify the hospital and the police.”

The family is well acquainted with the male nurse as he also used to help the female patients older sister at the Isipingo JMH Hospital. The older daughter went to the male as part of a check-up to go work overseas, the female patient also went to the doctor because she found a job overseas. According to the mother, the male nurse called a doctor and the doctor reportedly told him to tell the female patient that she needs to take off her bra and unfasten her pants.

The nurse then persuaded the female into switching off her cell phone. The mother saw that the female patient was not looking good but as she tried asking the female why she wasn’t looking good, male nurse started disturbing the conversation telling them that he’ll escort them out. The mother says that the female was broken down by the incident that occurred. The matter was sent to the police and a male was at the uMlazi Magistrates Court on Friday.

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