Man Who Wanted To Arrest ED Pleads For Money To Escape Abduction, Is He Genuine?
16 April 2019
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Tinashe Jonasi

Own Correspondent|Tinashe Jonasi the man who broke news headlines claiming that he wanted to effect a citizen arrest on President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his two Deputies has issued an SOS on social media asking for donations on claims that Mnangagwa wants to abduct him.

Jonasi is currently on bail after being arrested and charged with undermining the authority of the President before he could effect his own arrest on Mnangagwa.

Judging by the responses on his sensational Twitter post, Zimbabweans appear not to be taking Jonasi’s plea seriously. Is he not likely to be ignored and end up being in another Itai Dzamara situation?

Dzamara was continuously ignored by Zimbabweans when he made solo demonstrations against former President Robert Mugabe at Harare Gardens until he was abducted and has been missing for over two years now.

People started talking only after he had been abducted.