ZIMRA Claims It Has Collected More Revenue Than They Budgeted For
23 April 2019
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Zimra chairman Dr Callisto Jokonya

THE Zimbabwe Revenue Authority has surpassed its revenue target for the first quarter of the year collecting over $2 billion which is 41,5 percent above its set target of $1,4 billion.

The statistics were released by Zimra chairman Dr Callisto Jokonya in his revenue performance report for the quarter ended March 31.

“Revenue performance for the first quarter pf 2019 surpassed the set target in both gross and net terms. During the quarter, gross collections amounted to $2,059 billion, which was 41,5 percent against the set target of $1,455 billion .

“After deducting refunds of $114, 98 million, net collections were $1,944 billion. This translates to a positive variance of 33,62 percent above the target of $1,455 billion,” Dr Jokonya said.

He said the figures of the first quarter had grew by 85,13 percent from the $1,112 billion collected in the same period last year while the net collections grew by 83,82 percent from the $1,057 billion collected last year.

“Positive performance is attributed to the significant contributions from the Intermediate Money Transfer Tax, corporate income tax and excise duty.

“This is buttressed by the Authority’s revenue enhancement measures and strategies aimed at promoting voluntary compliance,” he added.

In his analysis of specific revenue heads Dr Jokonya said individual income tax was $235,91 million against a target of $235,21.

He attributed the marginal rise in beating the target due to salary adjustments made and cushioning allowances made to employees in the period.

Corporate Income Tax collected was $242,08 million against a target $172 million translating to a positive variance of 40,74 percent.

“Gross VAT on local sales amounted to $336,7 million up from the $265,699 million collected in Q1 of 2018. This translates to a positive variance of 9,28 percent above the set target of $308,1 million and a growth factor of 26,7 percent.

“After factoring VAT refunds of $114, 35 million, net collections of $222,35 million were 27,83 below target. However, when compared to the first quarter in 2018, net collections grew by 5,15 percent from 211,45 million. The revenue head contributed 11,43 of the total net collections during the quarter under review,” Dr Jokonya added.

In the period under review Dr Jokonya said VAT on imports was $127,27 million and 8,23 percent above the set target of $117,6 million.

Customs duty was $91,52 billion which was below the set target of $110,78 million.

“Excise duty collections amounted to $565,65 million against a target of $242,19 million. This translates to a positive variance of 133,5 percent. Excise duty collections increased by 142,44 percent from 4233,32 million realised in the first quarter of 2018. The revenue head contributed 27,47 percent to total net collections during the first quarter of 2019.

“The performance of the revenue head is attributed to increase in the demands of diesel and petrol,” he said.

The IMTT collected was $282,84 million against a target of $150 million.

Dr Jokonya said the revenue targets were expected to continue on a positive trajectory going into the second quarter.

“Despite the challenges the economy is facing, revenue performance is anticipated to maintain a positive trajectory. The fiscal and monetary policies announced by Government give us assurances that the economy is on a recovery path,” he said.

He added that the Authority would continue implementing strategies that would enhance with tax compliance and expanding the tax base.

State Media