Mu7 In Zimbabwe Fumes Over Bobi Wine’s Escape From House Arrest
26 April 2019
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Bobi Wine

Correspondent||Ugandan Kyadondo East member of parliament Robert Kyagulanyiaka Ssentamu popularly known as Bobi Wine Bobi Wine was on Tuesday placed under house arrest by police.

Police detained him threatening to walk to the police headquarters in Naguru to deliver a protest note to the Inspector General of Police after police cancelled his music concert.

Kyagulanyi stated that he would go to the police headquarters and deliver the note to IGP Martins Okoth Ochola to express his displeasure at police’s continued infringement on his fundamental rights and brutality against members of the opposition.

On Thursday, the country woke up to the news that the legislator had beaten security surveillance around his home and escaped house arrest.

He was later seen in Bugiri hours after he had escaped from what police called preventive arrests.

Kyagulanyi took to his Facebook and explained why he had to escape.

“I had to find a way of attending the burial of our patriotic elder Haji Siraji Samanya Lyavaala in Bugiri” says Kyagulanyi.

The escape has sparked uproars within security circle leaving many of them pointing fingers at at each other a source within security circle told this website.

According to highly placed source, police has come under scrutiny by sister security forces accusing them of level of negligence.

They were also accused of failing to successfully execute their constitutional mandate and letting downother security organs.

It is important to note that this is not the first time police is coming under scrutiny. Between 2011 and 2016, Besigye on several occasions escaped from police after being placed under house arrests.

Our sources confirmed to us that the president is particularly bitter with police accusing them of work negligence and sleeping on duty.

“If they can not firmly secure one person ,what will happen if they facing ten similar cases?,” the president reportedly wondered.

This website has learnt that, the president reportedly told police bosses to improve on their method of work and put their house to order before it is too late.

“I will not allow this to continue under my watch. We must put a stop to this,” angry Museveni said.