Malema Says EFF Will Relocate All Landless Black People Into White People’s Porchy Areas
29 April 2019
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An EFF MP’s claim that the party plans to send people without land to places like Orania was amplified by party leader Julius Malema.

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) member of parliament Marshall Dlamini took to Twitter on Sunday to express his view that the party should “relocate” landless people to “whites only places” such as Orania.

“One of our first tasks when we take government after the 8th May, is to relocate some of our landless people to places like Orania or anything called ‘whites only places’ and give them large pieces of land there,” Dlamini tweeted.

Whether this is official EFF policy or not is unclear, but it did earn a retweet from party leader Julius Malema.

Dlamini, an EFF member with an outspoken Twitter presence, made news in Februaryafter he allegedly slapped a plainclothes police officer after President Cyril Ramaphosa’s state of the nation address (Sona) in an incident which was caught on camera and went viral.

Orania is known as a whites-only town, although Orania Movement spokesperson James Kemp told eNCA that anyone who is “willing to integrate” is welcome in the town, regardless of skin colour.

The town has been in the news for reasons unrelated to race recently, after Orania Movement president Carel Boshoff was accused of corruption.

Boshoff is accused of illegally purchasing a Mercedes-Benz for R102,000, and for hiking his salary by 45%, reports Beeld.

Orania is not the only town accused of only admitting white people as residents.

Reports surfaced in March of a new settlement in the Northern Cape which is exclusively for white South Africans.

IOL reports that the founder of the settlement called Eureka, Adriaan Alettus Nieuwoudt, promised white South Africans wanting to help in the “fight against the uprooting of the white race” free 1,000 square metres of land.

It was reported that the settlement, which is located just outside Garies in the province, is described as a place where people can retire in safety, live and work, and have their own schools, shops, and medical services all the while using their Afrikaans mother tongue and reverting to their rural culture.
