Villagers Exhume And Bury Exposed Gukurahundi Victims’ Remains
29 April 2019
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Commissioner Sello Nare

VILLAGERS in Sipepa, Tsholotsho, in Matabeleland North province yesterday witnessed the exhumation of the remains of a villager who was killed during the 1980s political disturbances, as the peace and reconciliation exercise continues.

The exhumation of the remains was done by Ukuthula Trust.

The remains that had been buried near the railway line were now exposed and they will be reburied.

National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) commissioners witnessed the exhumation. In an interview after the exhumation exercise yesterday, Commission Chairperson Justice (Rtd) Sello Nare said they were invited to observe the exhumation by the trust and they went as part of the reconciliation process.

He stressed that the NPRC had not yet started any exhumations.

“We were invited by Ukuthula Trust to witness the exhumation exercise in Sipepa, Tsholotsho.

“Remains of one person were exhumed and they’re set for reburial,” said Justice Nare.

He said as the NPRC their role was to inform people that people could talk about Gukurahundi, share their experiences and contribute towards the healing process.

“President Mnangagwa said people should talk freely about Gukurahundi. This will help us move on as a nation,” said Justice Nare.

Matabeleland North Provincial Affairs Minister Cde Richard Moyo however said he was not informed about the exhumation and the Tsholotsho District Administrator Mrs Gladys Zizhou also said she was not informed.