“We Are Watching You,” ZANU PF Youth Warn Leader Who Claimed Mnangagwa Was Ordained By God
4 May 2019
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Godfrey Tsenengamu

State Media|THE Zanu-PF Youth League is yet to receive a formal resignation notice from its political commissar Godfrey Tsenengamu following his social media statements highlighting his departure from the youth wing last week, an official has said.

Zanu-PF Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs Lewis Matutu yesterday said the party will not act on social media statements and will wait for formal communication from Tsenengamu.

He said the party has been keenly following Tsenengamu’s shenanigans as he has been defying the party’s polices by going against the leadership’s stand point on a number of issues on social media.

Tsenengamu is popular for once declaring that President Emmerson Mnangagwa was ordained by God to lead the country.

He said disciplinary action will be taken against him. Matutu refused to comment on the rumours that Tsenengamu risks expulsion from the party. “We are yet to receive an official communiqué from Cde Tsenengamu who took to social media and resigned from his commissariat post in the Youth League. Until we do so, we will stand guided by the party policy on such matters,” he said.

“Besides his unofficial resignation, the party has been following with interest the series of social posts challenging party policies, for example on land redistribution, compensation of white farmers and most recently his call for elderly party members and leaders to ‘open up space’ for young people.

“This on its own shows that Tsenengamu has no respect for party leadership and its policies and if found guilty, disciplinary action will take place. I can however not comment on rumours on the street that he will be expelled or not. That’s for the party to decide.”

Tsenengamu is said to be the face behind the dismissed vote of no confidence which almost toppled the top five youth league leadership.

His recent post read: “Am 36 and ready to move on from youth into the main wing. After six days of work creating earth, our God took time to rest, even some of our madalas (old guard) must rest and pave way for the young. Makarwa kurwa kwakanaka chizororaiwo tiwanewo pekupinda (you have fought a good fight, open up the space for us). It’s time to blend youth with experience.”

In a Press statement by the Youth league on Tuesday, warning shots were sent to Tsenengamu.

“We note with concern social media statements attributed to the secretary for the commissariat in the Zanu-PF youth league Cde Godfrey Tsenengamu. Our leader and President ED (Emmerson Dambudzo) Mnangagwa’s pronouncements reflect the thinking in Zanu-PF as a whole. With respect to the voice of the majority, any expression to the contrary is in our view rebellious and thus warrants due censure or punishment,” read part of the statement.

“Grandstanding and strutting like a peacock is a cheap political gimmick, meant to grab attention from corrupt renegades and also pursue selfish agendas . . . it is unfortunate that our own can be found among the greedy lot who are now selling out the party.”

In the statement the Youth League suggested Tsenengamu might have turned mole as part of a plan by a faction that was active in the party and aligned to former President Mr Robert Mugabe known as G40.

“We are aware that we have the likes of G40 in our midst but even so because of our vigilance we will not lose the fight but rather the axe will descend mercilessly on counter-revolutionaries and their foreign handlers,” the statement added.

“We are the vanguard of the party and it is therefore our duty to make sure that the party is safe from infiltrators and informers, those who have ears to hear take heed.”

The Youth League called for members to respect the leadership and use proper channels of communication to air their views.