Parirenyatwa Hospital Clinical Director Dr Noah Madziva Resigns
6 May 2019
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By Own Correspondent- Parirenyatwa Hospital Clinical Director Dr Noah Madziva has resigned from his post with immediate effect.

Dr Madziwa was summoned to appear before a disciplinary committee to explain why he was absent during Health Minister, Obadiah Moyo’s visit to the hospital.

He was reportedly in surgery operating on a patient during the time of Minister Moyo’s visit.

Said Hopewell Chin’ono through a post on his Twitter handle:

Parirenyatwa Hospital Clinical Director Dr Noah Madziva has resigned from the post with immediate effect.

Three weeks ago he was hauled before a hearing for not being available when the Minister visited the hospital.

He was in surgery operating a patient. He has also left Parirenyatwa.