Nancy Masiyiwa-Chamisa Paid Massive Salary By ZINARA For Over A Year For Doing Nothing
7 May 2019
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Nancy Masiyiwa Chamisa

Correspondent|Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee chaired by Tendai Biti (MDC-Alliance) has unearthed yet another mismanagement of funds scandal at the Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA).

It emerged that ZINARA has been paying two salaries for the suspended Nancy Masiyiwa-Chamisa and acting CEO Mathlene Mujokoro for the chief executive officer post for the past 12 months.

The road authority has also been spending thousands of United States dollars on hairstyle, food hampers, and gym allowances for managers.

The legislators were also notified that ZINARA also simultaneously spent US$4 000 on each director in buying and installing gym equipment at their residences and paid monthly subscriptions for their gym at upmarket clubs in Harare.

It was also reported that ZINARA also spent more than US$60 000 on hairstyle allowance with one boutique pocketing more than US$25 000 on having hair done for Zinara female managers.

The Committee registered fears over ZINARA’s inability to show that the crisis was being seriously rectified.

This is not the first time the road authority has come under fire for maladministration of public funds. There have also been tendering issues within the authority which implicated the management.