ANC Takes Massive Early Lead In SA Elections As EFF Trails Way Behind
9 May 2019
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Counting in progress in the South African elections.

Own Correspondent|Vote counting in South Africa’s sixth democratic elections resumed in earnest after polling stations closed last night and initial results are slowly trickling into the province’s elections nerve centre in Century Centre.

Nationally, the African National Congress (ANC) is enjoying an early lead followed by the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

By 4am on Thursday morning, 887,867 valid votes had been captured.

Party agents sat anxiously with their eyes fixed to their computer screens and monitors showing the early votes.

The ANC has taken an early lead at just over 50% nationally followed by the DA and EFF at 28% and 7%, respectively.

In the Western Cape, the DA was sitting on 60% of the vote so far.

It will still be more than 48 hours before South Africans know the final results.