Jacob Zuma Flexes His Muscle As He Votes With A Loud Cheer From Even Opposition Supporters
9 May 2019
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Jacob Zuma

Correspondent|Former president Jacob Zuma casts his vote at Ntolwane Primary School on Wednesday.

AFormer president Jacob Zuma cast his vote amid an ecstatic reception at Ntolwane Primary School in his home village of kwaNxamalala on Wednesday morning.

Zuma was accompanied by two of his wives, Sizakele MaKhumalo Zuma and Tobeka Madiba Zuma.

The voting station came alive when the former president arrived. Even IFP members in a tent adjacent to the school’s entrance cheered at the sight of Zuma’s arrival.

The former leader cracked jokes with the IEC official who inspected his identity document.

He also shared a light moment in the queue with Inkosi yamaNxamalala Bhekumuzi Zuma and promised to make time to see the chief after the elections.