I Am Not Zanu PF And I Will Never Join Zanu PF- Khupe
11 May 2019
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Farai Dziva|MDC T president Thokozani Khupe has said she has never joined Zanu PF and she will never join the ruling party.

Speaking at a news conference today Khupe said :” I am a founder member of the MDC and I have never joined Zanu PF. I will never join Zanu PF.

I am not a selfish person.I was invited to the national dialogue by President Emmerson Mnangagwa and I attended because the whole essence is to move the country forward.”

“On the 8th of May the High Court handed down a judgement regarding our party MDC and placed its leadership to the 14th of February 2014 status.

I accept the judgement and I stand by the order -the judgement places me back as the leader of the MDC .

I accept the the huge responsibility that it places on me. MDC was founded on the principle of non violence constitutionalism and… the judgement has raised legal issues to which I have the responsibility to and to which my colleagues have responsibility to- the judgement also raises political issues to which I have a responsibility to and to wish my colleagues have a responsibility to and in this regard we have no choice but to wind find a way returning to February 14th.

We have to find a way of returning to the period after February 14th.”

“I think the court ruling is very clear, it has nullified everything which happened after the 14th of February 2014 going back to 2016,” Khupe said .