New Twist To Mwonzora Court Ruling Access Saga As Journalist Disowns Hopewell Chinono
12 May 2019
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NewsDay reporter Blessed Mhlanga

Own Correspondent|Blessed Mhlanga a reporter with NewsDay has brought in a new dimension into the MDC saga where party Secretary General Douglas Mwonzora is accused of selling out on leader Nelson Chamisa at the High Court.

The Party accuses Mwonzora of having had access to the High Court ruling of the 8th of May such declared Chamisa as illegitimate leader of the opposition party days before the ruling was pronounced.

Mhlanga has dismissed the sensational claims that Mwonzora gave him a copy of the ruling a week before it was handed down.

This was after fellow journalist Hopewell Chin’ono disclosed on his social media page that Mwonzora had the High Court ruling a week before it was delivered. Chin’ono further claimed that “MDC folks are saying that he (Mwonzora) told a NewsDay journalist about it and that they chose to keep quiet to see how it will pan out…”

Mhlanga, has come out guns blazing against Chin’ono.

Mhlanga says he only reveals his sources to his Editor, and that he never talked to Mwonzora over the High Court judgement. He also claimed Chin’ono has since blocked him on social media.

“This is a new low for Award winning Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, I don’t reveal my sources to anyone except my Editor if need be. At no point did I ever talk to Douglas Mwonzora over this judgement before or after. No point did I even speak to Chin’ono who has blocked me on social media,” Mhlanga said in a tweet.