Anti Chamisa Elements Deform MDC Party Offices Ahead Of His Visit To Bulawayo
14 May 2019
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The graffiti on the MDC Party Offices in Bulawayo before it was cleaned off.

Own Correspondent|Some unidentified rogue elements took advantage of a quiet Sunday night in Bulawayo to rush to paint some graffiti at the MDC provincial offices denigrating the opposition party’s leader Nelson Chamisa for a host of allegations that hold no substance.

Chamisa was in the city for the party’s provincial caucus where contestants vying for posts at the party’s scheduled congress were presenting their manifestos.

Before Bulawayo, he presided over similar meetings in Matabeleland North, South and the Midlands provinces. 

It is suspected the graffiti attacking Chamisa was written between midnight and early morning and party members who arrived at the offices earlier quickly notified their leadership.

Some of the messages written on the walls and gate to the party provincial office include, “Chamisa ule nketha betshabi (Chamisa you are tribalistic), “Chamisa usubulele i MDC” (Chamisa you have destroyed MDC), “Chamisa a worse dictator”, “Chamisa uyadelela” (Chamisa you are disrespectful) among other derogatory and inflammatory messages.

Vigilant party youth members moved quickly to erase the graffiti.