Zim Prophet Who Says He Has God’s Cellphone Number, ‘Accurately’ Predicts Indonesia Elections
17 May 2019
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CONTROVERSIAL Pastor Paul Sanyangore has once again torched another storm after ‘accurately’ predicting the recently held Indonesia general harmonised elections.

Despite having faced criticism, it seems the Zimbabwean clergyman has charmed the Indonesia populace and government officials following his prophetic message on the just ended national harmonised elections.

The elections saw the incumbent Joko Widodo, leading against his rival Prabowo Subianto.

Although the country’s Election Commission is required to release official results by 22 May, Joko Widodo, has already announced he has won re-election after receiving an estimated 54 percent of the vote, backtracking on his promise to wait for official results after his challenger made improbable claims of victory.

However, the scenario seemed to be coinciding with what Pastor Sanyangore reportedly predicted during his prophetic message last year in October.

According to insiders it is alleged that Sanyangore has been invited by the government officials.

In a video circulating on social media which was recorded by AOK Ark of Christ Church doing rounds on social media, Sanyangore, is alleged to have prophesised about Widodo emerging the winner, despite the pastor being criticised.

In the video, he said: “As I was praying, I saw you into next year elections and I saw a man trying to drink water from a cup.

“He had placed the cup down and he wanted to take another cup, but God told me that this man should not drink from another cup.

“This is what will happen, the cup will not change, it is a good cup, so God said to me, tell the people of Indonesia not to change the cup.

“This is the cup that will take them to another level. “I have told you the results, do not change the cup.”

The cup referred to the ruling government led by Widodo. Cornered to comment on the evidence of the prophecy Sanyangore said:

“This was recorded by the church and it was in October last year, and the church uploaded the video on the youtube before it was pulled down.

“People there thought I was campaigning for the president but the video has the logo for the church.”

Sanyangore who has decided to minister from outside the country said, God is everywhere. – H-Hetro