Opinion By Farai Maguwu|Two days ago I received a Macedonian call for help from Chief Marange who requested to see me at his homestead in Marange. I went there yesterday morning and was truly shocked with the state of his homestead. First Chief Marange expressed gratitude to CNRG for all the civic education and awareness campaigns we have held in Marange and on behalf of his community.
He told me he has no clean water at his homestead, his family fetches water at the nearby Primary School. The Car he got from the government broke down last year and he has no money to repair it. I have since taken this up with ZCDC and they promised to look into the matter.
He lamented the general poverty in his area despite being home to what was once considered the biggest diamond find in a century. He added that there was a company called Marange Resources and yet He, as Chief Marange, didnt know who owned that company.
Zim needs serious dialogue on mining. This is not working. No, it can work, you will not work as it is also mechanising very rapidly, simple!