Rambai Makashinga, ED
25 May 2019
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Zimbabweans experiencing difficult economic times and getting frustrated with the government. Government responds by visible army patrols in the cities.

Own Correspondent|RESIDENT Mnangagwa has urged the nation to remain resilient and support him and his government besides the difficult economic conditions prevailing in the country.

Speaking during the commissioning parade for 149 officer cadets at the 35th Commissioners’ Cadet Ceremony at the Zimbabwe Military Academy (ZMA) in Gweru yesterday, Mnangagwa begged the nation to continue being patient with his government policies he claimed were aimed at ensuring sustainable economic growth.

“My Government is presently in a phase of transition which is geared to put our country back on the rails of development.

“In our politics, economy and society in general, our country has been stuck in the old way of doing things. This has held us back as a nation for too long. We must embrace the new, to ensure sustainable economic growth that will develop our country and speedily improve the standard of living of all people,” he said.

President Mnangagwa said the road to recovery will be bumpy but through resilience and unity, Zimbabweans will enjoy the fruits as a country.

“The journey towards the attainment of Vision 2030, requires us to have common ideals, convictions and unity of purpose.

“As I have said the road will not be easy and requires sacrifices by all of us. Let us collectively determine to build a modern, industrialised, stronger and more prosperous Zimbabwe, for both present and future generations,” he said.

President Mnangagwa said even if the road to recovery gets bumpy, Government will not take short cuts to prosperity. He urged all progressive forces to pull in one direction and have the interests of the country at heart.

“We cannot and should not take short cuts for political expediency. Our economics and politics must be that which puts national interests above individual or group interests.

“My Government will continue to put in place an environment that ensures the long term benefits of all citizens of our great country.

“As we implement the broad economic reform policies, we will also put in place the appropriate safety nets to cushion the most vulnerable members of society.

“I, therefore, urge all of us to remain resolute and play our part in line with the Transitional Stabilization Programme and our quest to attain vision 2030,” he said.

Former president Robert Mugabe preached the same message in futility for ten years up to the time of the Government of National Unity in 2013 as the massive corruption culture in ZANU PF continued to plunder the country.

Mnangagwa’s call, comes in the wake of spiralling prices of basic commodities, fuel shortages and fall of the Zimbabwean RTGS Dollar against the U.S. Dollar. The difficult economic period is causing serious despondency in the citizens with sporadic threats of uncoordinated citizens protests being raised.