Controversy As Bev Brags About New Hubby While UK Woman Claims Same Man Was Her Live In Boyfriend Who Conned Her
27 January 2020
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By A Correspondent- Newly-wed raunchy dancer Beverly Sibanda says she has gained weight since she is living large under her new husband.he dancer said she is now a proudly married woman, but will not stop her career.

Said Bev:

“Ndikudya ndakagara, handisi kuenda kubasa meaning i am simple enjoying myself while not working. I last went to work on January 1. December i worked and the money is there and why would i work in January when there is no money. Everyone went for their holidays and i am starting work in February,” said Bev.

Mufudzi Chambuka

Bev’s statements come amid claims by another woman that her husband Mufudzi Chambuka stole her car worth $3 450.

According to the woman (42), Chambuka stole a Ford Focus Tytania. The matter was however reported to the police.

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Bev said her rivals and “haters” were celebrating that pregnancy will now sink her into oblivion, but she is not pregnant and has only gained weight.

“People were rejoicing, especially dancers. They were thrilled thinking that they are replacing Bev on the stage, but you will not succeed. Who told them that i am down and out? I am just rising. I will be working because i am allowed to do everything. How will i dance when i am pregnant. I am still in the game. How is it possible that i cannot gain weight when i am eating good and tasty food. I am a working woman plus my husband is taking good care of me (laughing),” added Bev.

“I am not pregnant. Kusimba chete meaning i have just gained weight. You know I was slim and I have gained weight chete, plus i am using Depo provera since last year. If i am pregnant, i will give birth.”

The Sexy Angels boss said she is keeping a low profile.

“I have been playing low key hangu, eating good food.”

Asked on when she will be ready for pregnancy Bev said:

“Zvinei newe izvozvo meaning its none of your business? Just know that i got married and dad is supporting.”

She refused to dwell much on the process of her getting married.

“Yes i got married, they must just know that ” she said.

Bev responded to the social media comments. “Ende vanhu so, from bhawa to marriage,” she said while laughing. Bev’s wedding at the Harare Magistrates’ Court has been received with mixed feelings with some congratulating the dancing queen while others mocked her.
