Clergyman Accuses Zanu PF Of Using Religion To Oppress Suffering Masses
28 January 2020
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Farai Dziva|A Zimbabwean clergyman has accused Zanu PF of using religion to oppress the suffering masses.

Writing on Twitter, Evangelist Mangwende attacked the ruling party for being insensitive to the plight of suffering Zimbabweans.

“I am not saying this with much ease yet it’s the reality, Zim situation is not similar to Israelites situation when they arrived at the River Jordan. We have to fight our way through.

Take heed zanupf is now playing the religion ball to oppress us. Remember zanupf is unjust

If Zanu PF had self awareness and emotional intelligence to be honest they would act on the plight of Zimbabweans in general.




you have Varakashi who should be feeding back to you what’s happening on the ground. THE TRUTH. BE HUMAN. PERIOD…”