Mutsvangwa Meets Chamisa, Slams VP Chiwenga In Front Of MDC leader
1 February 2020
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A photo of MDC leader Nelson Chamisa posing with ZANU PF leader, Emmerson Mnangagwa’s special advisor Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa has surfaced on social media.

The picture allegedly shot following the MDC leader’s trip to South Africa shows Chamisa and Mutsvangwa standing with some identified persons. 

During the meeting, Mutsvangwa reportedly denounced Mnangagwa’s deputy Constantino Chiwenga.

To this Chamisa turned back at him to say: why are you “donating Chiwenga to me.”

The senior leadership of the MDC have been mum on the circumstances that led to the photo being taken.

Mutsvangwa is on the key brains behind the November 2017 coup that toppled the late President Robert Mugabe.

During the coup, he coordinated the implementing of the Northgate declaration, an agreement that detailed the intelligence operation which involved members of the dreaded Central Intelligence Organisation who are based in South Africa. – Agencies / Byo24

Mutsvangwa with Chamisa