ZANU PF Claims Politburo Urgent Meeting Is To Discuss Price Increases
5 February 2020
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Simon Khaya Moyo

Own Correspondent|Troubled Zanu PF has convened a Politburo meeting today for the first time this year on claims that they want to discuss issues affecting the country, including the pricing of basic commodities.

The politburo seating is however suspicious as it comes hot on the heels of a controversial press conference by the party youth league which appears to be undermining President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s authority.

Zanu PF youth league deputy secretary Lewis Matutu and national youth commissar Godfrey Tsenengamu early this week held a Press conference at the Media Centre in the city centre, with party insiders saying they had been ordered not to use the Zanu PF HQ by top party officials who described their conduct as an attack on President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

“Matutu and Tsenengamu were told to use other venues, and not the Zanu PF

HQ,” a source based at the party headquarters told NewsDay yesterday.

“They were told by (party chairperson) Oppah Muchinguri that their Press briefing was a personal matter. It was a show of disrespect to President Mnangagwa. The President appointed a commission to look into allegations of corruption by the youths and he is still to receive a report from the commission. The youths’s actions will be, therefore, seen as a way of saying the President has failed.”

Zanu PF secretary for Information and Publicity Simon Khaya Moyo confirmed the meeting in a statement yesterday.

“The Secretary for Administration Cde Dr Obert Mpofu wishes to advise all members that there shall be a Politburo meeting to be held on Wednesday 5 February, 2020 at the Party Headquarters commencing 1000 hours. All members should be seated by 0945 hours sharp,” he said.