Kenneth Kaunda Mourns His “Great Friend” Daniel Arap Moi
7 February 2020
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Dr Kenneth Kaunda shortly after meeting the Defense and Security wings officers on his 95th Birthday celebration in Lusaka on April 28, 2019 - Picture by Tenson Mkhala

Correspondent|Zambia’s First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda has eulogized Kenya’s former leader Daniel Moi, saying he has lost a colleague and co-worker.

In a statement, Thursday, Dr Kaunda said he worked closely with Moi in dealing with tasks on Africa and humanity.

“I am in sorrow after learning that my dear colleague, President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi, Second President of the great nation of Kenya, has passed away in Nairobi. President Daniel Arap Moi and I were not only friends because we were born in the same year, 1924, but we worked closely together on tasks dealing with Southern Africa, Africa, and humanity as a whole. I found that Daniel Arap Moi was committed to peace and development of our common humanity. Even when Daniel Arap Moi was Vice President to the great Jomo Kenyatta, your father and First President of Kenya, we worked well together. This continued after the passing on of Jomo Kenyatta in August 1978 and Daniel Arap Moi became president of the Republic of Kenya,” read the statement.

“We consulted each other on a number of issues. When we met in Zambia, Kenya, or any other parts of Africa and the world, we would share our thoughts on various issues. We worked on bilateral relations of the people of Kenya and Zambia. We worked together on concerns of Africa. Some issues were to do with international and global affairs. Indeed, we worked on matters that were of concern to our common humanity. When he became President and talked about the “Nyayo” path of consolidation after the passing of President Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel Arap Moi was committed to strengthening the gains of Kenya’s independence. Even after I left state office in November 1991, President Daniel Arap Moi remained a supportive friend. . In Daniel Arap Moi’s passing, I have lost a colleague, co-worker, and friend.”

Dr Kaunda hoped that people would emulate Moi’s works.

“I will always remember how in December 1991, after I was coming back from being guest at a churches international prayer breakfast in Kampala, Uganda, President Daniel arap Moi was very helpful. At that time, in December 1991, when I was returning home, my friend President Daniel Arap Moi kindly arranged for my retreat and two weeks’ rest at Maasai Mara Game Reserve. After he left the presidency in 2002, we continued being friends My prayer is that the good works of President Daniel Arap Moi should be emulated and continued by all of us through an attitude of “Nyayo,” carrying on. Mr President, please convey to the Moi family and the Government and People of Kenya my sincere condolences on the passing of this great person, President Daniel arap Moi. Please know that in Zambia and many other places of the world, we mourn and appreciate with you,” stated Dr Kaunda.