Charles Mabika Predicts Glory Days For Dembare, Caps, Highlanders
8 February 2020
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Football commentator Charles ‘CNN’ Mabika believes the 2020 Castle Lager Premier Soccer League season will witness the return to glory of the country’s traditional giants Dynamos, Highlanders and CAPS United.

The veteran broadcaster’s prediction comes in the wake of the three giants embarking on a pre-season shopping spree to strengthen their respective squads as a way of fighting for league honors.

Posting on Twitter, Mabika noted: “I foresee the 2020 season as the “Return of the Big 3″ – Dynamos, CAPS and Highlanders.

They have been busy on the transfer market and appear really serious this time around, so I am tipping ONE of them to land the league title at the end of the season!”

The local league has been dominated by FC Platinum, who have won the last three titles, the last one being the 2019 one despite coach Norman Mapeza’s departure.-Soccer 24