The blatant criticism of the political landscape of Africa is a theme
long embraced by Dimitri & The Scarecrow. From a despondent resignation
to engage with immediate consequence, the poetry is an attempt to
capture the human feeling in an oppressive climate. Those who speak up
are targeted with ruthless inhumane brutality that often, people recede
into a quiet murmur of disgruntlement.
Dimitri then spirals into an entrancing mantra which is an awakening of
the buried sentiment of the Scarecrow (a symbol/metaphor for the layman)
and conjures an articulate verse of lyrical and cynical satire.
Confronting state imposed fear by mocking the “old horse” whose lack of
vitality has left him a cold and hardened tyrant as opposed to being the
Pan-African idealist he once was. Considering the rhythmic sense of time
signature and syncopated rhyme patterns, this verse is a divisive means
to separate or ironically segregate generations. The youth are often
viewed as more frivolous than sensible and the elders as wise and a
sturdy hand to guide the future. So why are they firing bullets at
concerned citizens, brutalizing them with police violence or blatantly
killing them mercilessly?! The second verse then alludes to the elders
in fact being leaches with far more insidious agendas but remember,
speaking up may just lead to one’s demise.
The superfluous nature of the chorus alludes to how dream have withered
into these intangible ideals to which one fails to attach reality. SO,
can a young brotha just live with a lot to give? Intimate War did pose
the question: “Why must I die for ideals to live?!”