Farai Dziva|In a tragic incident that has stunned residents of the ancient city of Masvingo, a form two pupil at Ndarama High School stabbed himself to death after his dad had reprimanded him for coming home late.
The incident happened on Wednesday night.
Narrating his ordeal Mr Mbengo, the boy’s father said:
” I lost my first born son yesterday around 8pm at Makurira Hospital .
I wanted to discipline him over a simple matter because he came home around 730 pm.
While I was asking him, he took a knife from the drawer and stabbed himself.”
In a brief statement Ndarama High School said:
“On a sad note…
Mr Mbengo has lost his son Matipaishe.
We have just received the sad news.
We will update you on funeral arrangements..ngativayeukei mumunamato vanyaradzwe.”
Police in Masvingo have confirmed the tragic incident.