Chief Ndiweni Forgives Enos Nkala On Gukurahundi
24 February 2020
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Nhlamabaloyi Chief Nhlanhlayamnagwe Ndiweni says he has forgiven his relative Enos Nkala who was an active participant in the Gukurahundi genocide that killed more than 20 000 citizens of Matabeleland and Midlands region.

In a tweet recently, Ndiweni said the Gukurahundi genocide was not tribal but a government operation that included both Ndebeles and Shonas.

Said Ndiweni, “Here to dispel this notion that Gukurahundi was tribal, Gukurahundi belongs to the government of the day! Plenty Ndebele’s where involved including my own relative Enos Nkala. He died very remorseful trying albeit unsuccessfully to get RGM to apologise. We FORGIVE YOU just apologise!”

Are you saying I should not have forgiven my relative Nkala?

Ndiweni added that the victims of Gukurahundi were not looking for individual apology but for the government to apologise and set a precedent that killing other people is wrong.

“Fuelled being the operating word the planning, the purpose, the fuelling all belonged to the government, they deliberately encouraged the tribal angle to use it as refuge after they had achieved their agenda.

A good apology isn’t about intentions. It’s about impact.

I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry I did. And I promise to do better next time.

“That is the Essence we demand in an apology.ONLY that will lead to healing,this mirage of a perpetrator being mediator is laughable!”

“We are not looking for an individuals apology but the government, an apology accepts guilt, shows remorse and allows for reburials(which we want). An apology shows current and future soldiers that shooting civilians in cold blood is wrong!”