Hip-hop Star To Pay School Fees For “Maize Cob Stealing” Teacher’s Children
26 February 2020
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Farai Dziva|
Zimbabwean Hip-hop gospel artist,
Mudiwa Hood, has come to the rescue of a teacher who reportedly stole maize cobs to feed his family.

According to Hood, the teacher is based in Harare, contrary to claims that he is from Mutoko.

He has started helping the man and also appealed to those who want to help him to get in touch.

Posting on Facebook, Hood said:

Good News Zimbabwe? … I visited Mr Chatikobo today jus to hear and verify the story…it was him and we will go back formally to help him big…

He teaches at a private school in Harare, not in Mutoko as rumoured.

I sat in his class while he teaches his students, mmmm pure Genius!

I settled the compensation demanded by maize cobs owner and he is a free man and promised me to stay out of trouble.

Among other things, I will pay school fees for all his 3 kids, he needs it ma cousins….the man is a highly qualified science teacher…who is nothing but a genius…he did everything our parents always asked us to do…”Dzidza mwanangu”…

He is a genuine family man. On Saturday I am taking him out for lunch, and will bless him again with few other things.

Those who want to assist, we (me and him) for accountability purposes we agreed that his closest person in his life, will manage all donations and EcoCash…if you want to send cash kindly send to Faustine Svuvure on 0772999156.

Mudiwa Hood