17 Grade 7 Girls Get Pregnant At One School
29 February 2020
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29 February 2020

Sydney Barson | At least 38.1% of orphans in Zimbabwe are in Matabeleland North Province where 17 Grade 7 girls from the same school dropped out of school to get married, if a 2009 study is anything to go by.

Speaking at the launch of the Zimbabwe Education Fund Trust (ZIMEFU) in Lupane yesterday, Econet Sales and Marketing Manager Thandekile Chibanda applauded the launch of ZIMEFU as an important development to assist orphans and curb teen pregnancies so rampant in the province.

‘’According to a 2009 study, 38.1% of all orphans in Zimbabwe were living in Matabeleland North Province, these statistics could be more by now. Therefore the launch of ZIMEFU will go a long way alleviating the plight of thes young ones.‘’ said Chibanda.

She highlighted several successful people who impacted the world yet grew up as orphans.

Speaking at the same occasion Kusile Rural District Council Chief Executive Officer Mr. Chuma said ZIMEFU is a welcome development in Lupane and urged the new organisation to work alongside government as partners and not competitors.

Founded by Gibsom Mwinde ZIMEFU was registered as a Trust in January 2020 and to date the organisation has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the local authority.

The newly instituted Trust seeks to provide sanitary wear in schools in Lupane and Binga, pay school fees and provide uniforms for orphans and vulnerable children.

Board member Laison Mwinde also highlighted that 17 Grade 7 girls dropped out at some school where he was teaching in Binga to get married hence the rationale to change mindsets in such communitites.

In a solidarity message Lupane Women Development Trust Manager Mrs Mufukare urged the new organisation to remain focussed and leave politics to politicians before donating a sewing machine and 40 reusable sanitary towels. They also received donations in form of clothes, and more sanitary wear from other players.

Their mission statement is to eradicate poverty in Africa through sustainable education and empowering every school going girls and boys in remote areas

ZIMEFU’s motto is Inspire orphans,inspire your world.

Todate the Trust shall be operating in Lupane and Binga only though plans for expansion are there.

The trustees are Naome Nkiwane, Tamuka Nyoni, Laison Mwinde, Sithembekile Riyano while Gugulethu Nkomo is the District Coordinator.