Could The Warriors End Up Playing In Botswana As Govt Signs Sports Deal With Botswana.
29 February 2020
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President Mnangagwa and Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi make a toast at a cocktail party on Thursday night in Botswana

Zimbabwe and Botswana yesterday signed seven bilateral agreements covering housing, education and health, reaffirming their commitment to develop their economies.

The agreements were signed at the close of the Second Zimbabwe-Botswana Bi-National Commission (BNC).

Presidents Mnangagwa and Mokgweetsi Masisi presided over the closing session yesterday, after four days of intense engagements among top Government officials.

Relevant Cabinet ministers from the two countries signed the seven bilateral instruments, which cover a range of socio-economic development issues, on behalf of their governments.

The agreements covered: mutual legal assistance in criminal matters; a memorandum of understanding on health matters; sport development; cooperation in the field of media information and publicity; provision of sustainable, affordable and functional low-cost housing; cooperation in technical, vocational education and training; and employment and labour.

The agreements add to the six bilateral instruments that were signed during the first session of the BNC in Harare last year.

In his remarks, President Mnangagwa said the high-level bilateral platform helped the two countries identify common challenges and new opportunities that should be addressed between now and the third session of the BNC next year.

“I am pleased to note that this session has witnessed the signing of MoUs and agreements, which set the foundation for our broader cooperation in the identified areas,” he said.

“We must apply greater determination towards the full implementation of these agreements for the benefit of our two countries and peoples.

“There is no doubt that in working together and consistently, we can achieve much more. Let us introspect and ask ourselves whether we have exerted enough energy and shown adequate commitment to realise progress in our cooperation.”

President Mnangagwa said both leaders were keen to ensure the success of the bilateral engagements.

He urged officials at the technical level from both countries to demonstrate zeal, focus and a sense of urgency through speedy implementation of the agreed positions.

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President Masisi reiterated his country’s support for Zimbabwe, including the call for the lifting of sanctions imposed on the country.

He concurred with President Mnangagwa on the need to ensure the swift implementation of agreements and decisions throughout the year, as opposed to waking up a few weeks before the convening of the next BNC.