Sabhuku Vharazipi Denounces Politicization Of Food Aid
29 February 2020
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Farai Dziva|Masvingo based actor and drama icon, Sabhuku Vharazipi, whose real name is David Mubaiwa in Collaboration with the Community Tolerance Reconciliation and Development (COTRAD) produced a video skit calling for fair distribution of government aid by public officials.
The video skit provides an overview of how the government aid is being used for retributive purposes.

Public officials continue to use political lenses in the selection of beneficiaries of government aid.
The video also shows the inherent flaws and popular criticisms of aid distribution systems in Zimbabwe and Masvingo province in particular.

Specifically, it shows that the aid beneficiary selection process is not always based on equal opportunity or either guided by vulnerability but determined by political affiliation and power.

Consequently, most of those who are supposed to get aid fail to access it due to their political affiliation.

The actors point out that public officials must serve everyone under their jurisdiction regardless of their political affiliation.

The video also encourages public officials to consult the people during the process of selecting beneficiaries.

Masvingo is hit by severe drought and most people require food aid.

Government has been providing rice and maize to vulnerable families.

The selection processes for beneficiaries remain high jacked by traditional leaders and elected official who use the aid to punish their critics.

A COTRAD official, Ishmael Kupfuwa has also said there is need to involve VIDCOs and WADCOs and the general citizenry starting from the beneficiary selection process up to the distribution point for transparency and accountability purposes.
“Traditional leaders should rigorously undergo human rights trainings so that they understand and acclimatize to the human rights based approach when executing their paramount roles and responsibilities bestowed to them,” said Kupfuwa.
Click the link below to view the video: