“600 Soldiers Killed During Coup That Toppled Mugabe”: Mawarire.
12 March 2020
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The then CIO-Director General-Albert-Miles-Ngulube

By Farai D Hove| The government has for a while published claims that Emmerson Mnangagwa did not conduct a bloody military coup against his former boss.

But over 600 soldiers were killed during the coup that removed former President Robert Mugabe, the late ZANU PF leader’s party spokesman, Jealousy Mawarire has alleged.

Mawarire made the allegations while arguing on the Twitter website. He said President Mugabe attended his last graduation ceremony “… as a hostage, he hadn’t even changed clothes for 3 days; he had new army security. “

He then said the killings were the hallmarks of a real military coup.

“His top aide, Albert Ngulube had been bludgeoned, another, Peter Munetsi, had been killed & 600 more, mainly soldiers, had been killed, wonzwa munhu achiti hapana coup – then you hear someone saying it was not a coup.”

Mawarire had not at the time of publishing revealed the names of the soldiers he alleges were killed in November 2017.