Mother Versus Daughter In Fight Over Late ZANU PF Guru’s Estate
20 March 2020
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Kumbirai Kangai's widow

THE late former Zanu PF politburo member, Kumbirai Kangai’s widow, Miriam Kangai has won a High Court case against her step daughter, Mara Hativagone over distribution of the national hero’s estate.

Hativagone is Kangai’s eldest daughter from another relationship who in 2013, contested the decision by the Master of the High Court to authorise Miriam to use half of the money generated from the family business.

She approached the courts saying Miriam was not entitled to the 50% shareholding in Kangai’s business empire, Lunar Estates.

Hativagone, who is also former Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce president, sued the Master of High Court, Eldard Mutasa, for the authorisation which she claimed was made based on fraud.

But the High Court on Tuesday ruled in favour of Miriam. Her lawyer, Vote Muza said the court dismissed Hativagoni’s case and ruled that the national hero’s widow was the major shareholder of the estate.

Judge Justice Jacob Manzunzu ruled that she should retain her 50% shareholding, while the other 50% shares held through Luna Estates, was to be equally shared among the beneficiaries.  Kangai’s former Buhera constituency was allotted 10% shares.

“The case Mara Hativagone brought collapsed after she failed to prove that Mrs Kangai was not entitled to 50% shares in Luna Estates,” the lawyer told NewsDay.

“Mrs Kangai made an application for absolution from the instance which was granted by consent of the plaintiff meaning she agreed that with the fact that she had brought a hopeless case. The position ruled by the master in 2013 that Mrs Kangai was a 50% shareholder therefore stands.”

Muza added: “Almost all of the major assets were held through the company Luna Estates and only a few movables left as residue shall be shared equally between Mrs Kangai and the surviving children of which 10% will go to his former Buhera constituency.”

Since the death of the former Zanu PF politburo member, there has been a protracted fight over Kangai’s property between his wife and children who did not want the widow to access anything from the deceased’s estate.

At one time, Hativagone was reported to the police on allegations of tempering with Luna Estates company registration papers in a bid to elbow the widow from the company.