African Union Blasts Magafuli On His Coronavirus Stance And Testing Of Goats And Paw Paw.
9 May 2020
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John Magufuli

Own Correspondent|African Union in a statement has rejected John Magufuli’s claims that the testing kits for testing Coronavirus were faulty.The union also criticized the country’s president in the way it’s handling COVID-19 crisis in his country.

This comes just after President Magufuli’s, on Sunday said in a statement that the COVID-19 testing kits were faulty after showing positive results on the tests done on a goat and a pawpaw fruit.

Dr. John Ngengasong, who is the Director of African Centres for Disease Control said the tests kits all African nations are using were supplied by it in a collaboration with the Jack Ma foundation. He added that the kits had been tested and complied with the international standards.

“No country in Africa is an island when it comes to dealing with the virus. What is needed is a coherent message right from the leadership of the continent down to the local level,” The director noted.

Tanzania has been on watch by the rest of the world due to its poor response to the disease. The country is still allowing flouting the rules of social distancing among the citizens and churches and mosques are still open.

As of last week, Tanzania had recorded 480 cases of Coronavirus.