Journalists Arrested For Talking To Hospitalised MDC Activists
22 May 2020
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Journalists arrested for talking to abducted MDC activists
VOA journalist Frank Chikowore

Correspondents|POLICE on Friday arrested private media journalists Frank Chikowore and Samuel Takawira at a hospital in Harare where three MDC Alliance activists are hospitalised.

Chikowore works for Voice of America’s Studio 7 while Takawira works for online website, 263Chat.

The scribes had visited the health facility in Harare’s Waterfalls suburb to conduct interviews with Harare West MP Joanna Mamombe, activists Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova.

The MDC trio made world news recently when it was seized from a police station by suspected state agents who drove it outside Harare to subject it to horrendous acts of physical and sexual abuse.

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), a lobby for media rights, has since dispatched lawyers to follow up on the journalists’ arrests.