“We Work With Our Hands, We Want Our US Dollars In Our Hands,” Byo Nurses Rampage.
18 June 2020
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Own Correspondent

Mpilo Hospitals nurses picketing with a loud message

Health practitioners at Bulawayo’s United Bulawayo Hospital (UBH) this morning (Thursday) staged a demonstration demanding improved salaries.

They also rejected the government’s US$75.00 COVID-19 offer which was announced by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development on Wednesday.

The government has clarified that the allowance will not be paid in cash but public sector workers will be given purchasing electronic cards which they will then use to pay for goods and services.

Doctors and nurses have rejected the “rebased-RTGS dollar” with one of the placards written, “I work with my hands, I want my US$ Nostro in my hands”.

Watch video downloading below and pictures, courtesy of CITE.