ZANU PF Youth League Distributes Hand Sanitisers With A Gibberish IsiNdebele Inscription
22 June 2020
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Own Correspondent

President Emmerson Mnangagwa receiving the Sanitisers.

THE Zanu-PF Youth League recently handed over a donation of thousands of litres of hand sanitisers among to President Emmerson Mnangagwa for the national COVID-19 fight.

The party’s deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs Tendai Chirau presented the donation to the President who commended the Zanu-PF Youth League for coming up with home-grown solutions that proved that Zanu-PF was “a caring party, a party for the people and from the people.”

However, throughout the whole process no-one in the party realised that the label on the bottles is inscribed with a lot of meaningless IsiNdebele. No matter how good one is in IsiNdebele the inscription just doesn’t make sense.

Contacted by for a comment on the issue, the ZANU PF Matabeleland South Province youth league Chairman Washington Nkomo acknowledged the matter referring to the National Youth League Secretary Tendai Chirau who could not immediately be reached.

“The issue of the Sanitisers is being administered by the youth National Executive, please get hold of Cde Chirau or Cde Simbanegavi they will definitely give a comment on the matter,” said Nkomo.