Man’s Privates Swell After Bedding Married Lover
4 July 2020
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By A Correspondent- A man from Gokwe is cursing himself after his scrotum got swollen after he failed to restrain his sexual appetite and got in between the sheets with a “fenced” woman.

Tendai Moyo who has been in love with Rudo Mapudzi from Kana Mission learnt it the hard way that a married woman has to be respected.

This dawned on him when his secret love cover was blown open by his swelling testicles.

Moyo, the source said, had been sleeping with South Africa-based Thembani Sibanda’s wife.

The source went on to say when Sibanda visited his wife in February this year he got wind that his wife was leasing his velvet cake to Moyo.

The source said the aggrieved man then approached a traditional healer who fenced his wife, a practice whereby herbalists cast a spell over anyone else that sleeps with the woman.

“The discovery didn’t go down well with Sibanda, as a result he sought help from a traditional healer who then fenced his wife. He then left for South Africa. His wife took a chance and invited Moyo to slice the cake,” said the family insider who spoke on condition of anonymity.

But Moyo never knew that his sexual session with a married woman would later turn into a nightmarish encounter.

“After sleeping with her a fortnight ago his left side scrotum started to itch. He scratched it and after that it got swollen. He approached Prophet Estias Takawira of Glory International Ministries for healing and revealed he slept with a married woman whom he has been love with for some time,”said the source.

Prophet Takawira confirmed:

“Tendai Moyo approached me for healing after he told me that he slept with a married woman. I had to pray for him. On Monday he told me he is getting better.”

Contacted for comment Moyo said:

“I have been in love with a married woman for quite some time and I did not know that she was married.

When I slept with her two weeks back my testicle started to itch, after that it swelled. I then approached Takawira who prayed for me and now I am getting better and I can walk well now. During the first days I was walking with difficulty with my legs wide open.”

He added:

“I regret what I was doing. However, this has helped me to alter my ways and strive to live an upright life.”

Mapudzi was coy about the incident and just said:

“I was never in love with him. I sell fish and he was just my customer.”

Sibanda was unreachable by the time of going to print.
