By A Correspondent- Zimbabwe nurses have welcomed the newly appointed Health Minister, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga and the ministry’s permanent secretary.
They added that the new appointees were informed of the crisis in the health sector adding that they will not be resuming duty until all their grievances have been addressed.
We present below the nurses’ update to all members of the Zimbabwe Nurses Association (ZINA) on the ongoing industrial action.With reference to the above, please find an update below:
1. Today marks the 48th day since we withdrew our labour.
2. As ZINA, we welcome the appointees to the positions of substantive Minister of Health and Child Care as well as Permanent Secretary for the same Ministry.
3. It is our hope that the two appointees have been briefed on the situation prevailing in the health sector and what has led to the impasse between health workers and their employer.
4. Our reasonable demands are in the public domain. We look forward to being engaged on these on the basis of mutual respect, where our constitutional and labour rights to a fair wage and not to work in unsafe conditions are respected.
5. Further, we look forward to having our demands acknowledged and met. As we have indicated before, we are unable to return back to work until this has been done.
6. Considering the urgency of the situation, we expect an urgent intervention to resolve the impasse.
7. Until the above has been done, we reiterate our position- NO USD, NO WORK! NO PPE, NO WORK!