The Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) has cranked pressure on the government demanding to have an increment similarly awarded to security forces.
According to the latest salary increment figures awarded to the army starting in June, lowest-ranked soldier will earn ZWL$8,000 and the highest officer will earn ZWL$18, 000.
ZNLWVA national executive member Andy Mhlanga said the war veterans were eagerly waiting for their monthly wages to be reviewed upwards as they are regarded as a reserve force.
“We know that the uniformed forces have been awarded some salary increment and we also want to be in the same bracket with the service forces,” Mhlanga said.
“We are going to be engaging our parent ministry to consider us in awarding a salary increment as the war veterans’ leadership as a request from our membership.”
He said the veterans of the liberation struggle were still waiting for the Covid-19 allowance of US$75 which was given to the civil service.
The demand for a review of the allowances comes at a time war veterans have come out in the open that ZNLWVA membership was rallying behind President Emmerson Mnangagwa in face of demonstrations that were organised by the opposition MDC and civic society members last year.
Christopher Mutsvangwa chairperson of the war veterans had urged war veterans to come out in full force in support of the members of the defence forces in maintaining order and peace in the event that the demonstrations occur in the country.
War veterans have in the past years been demanding salary increment every time government awards salary increment to civil servants.
In his speech to mark Defence Forces Day on Tuesday, President Mnangagwa said the passing of the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Bill into law will address most of the welfare issues of veterans of the liberation struggle.
He said war veterans should take advantage of the “empowerment opportunities availed in all sectors of the economy and the implementation of the devolution policy”.