A circulating picture of Chiendambuya Police Station in Makoni District has caused social media stir among Zimbabweans on Twitter who said the dilapidated nature of the structure spoke volumes about corruption and plunder at the expense of national development.
Opposition MDC Alliance vice President Tendai Biti said;
“This is Exhibit A of 40 years of ZANU PF’s failure, indifference, cruelty & cluelessness. Chendambuya is capital of Makoni North, like all of Zim it pays price of corruption & neglect. Development & urbanization of rural areas is a top priority (#DURA) #ZimbabweanLivesMatter.”
Patrick Chinyoka had this to say;
“Theres overwhelming evidence of failures by the regime across all areas not just Councils, therefore we will criticise #Corruption #humanrightsabuses children learning under trees,failed economy
Local govt should release the necessary funds to enable Councils to run efficiently.”