Nine MDC Alliance Youth Assembly Members Remanded In Custody
22 March 2021
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CHIVI9 Remanded in custody for continuition of Bail hearing

As Citizens Convergence for Change atmosphere begins in rural areas…Zanu pf regime pannicks

The Chivi9 arrested on Friday at Mhandamhabwe appeared today at Masvingo Magistrate Court. Maverick Advocate Mureri represented the 9 Chivi activists. Among the 9 are MDCA Youth leaders and a Member of Parliament candidate for MDCA in 2018 Hon Dickson Mapipi. The nine are being charged for gathering for the purpose of causing public violence, a malicious crafted charge which they did not commit. They have been remanded in custody awaiting continuition of Bail hearing tomorrow. Justice delayed is Justice denied!!

The gathering was addressed by Youth leader Gilbert Mutubuki and it was in solidarity with the arrested actictivists and leaders Cecilia Chimbiri,Makuomborero Haruzivishe,Johanna Mamombe and Takudzwa Ngadziore. The gathering was peaceful before ,during and after the address hence the charges are an extention of an oppressive system.

Thumbs up to the legal team head by Advocate Mureri. The youth secretary for Legal affairs not to be spared as he stood up the rescue and immediately securing food to the arrested cadres who had been kept hungry in Police hands.

The gathering was attended by around 30 people from different pressure groups and movements among them the People Power and MDCA. As upon the arrests the police were believed to be searching all attendees but later made u turn and pointed the swords to the 9 in custody.

These arrests has poked the people of Masvingo who are now in mood to roll up sleeves against this oppression. The Citizens Convergence for Change atmosphere has kicked off through the rural areas a move that have shocked Zanu pf to the extent of doing this usual state apparatus abuse to thwart possible peaceful resistance.

Meanwhile Masvingo People and Chivi in general are encouraged to stay strong and brave to fight for our fellow comrades in custody. Let this become the beginning of the People’s Struggle for People’s common Agenda.






Timoth Muswere
MDCA youth SpokesPerson