WHO, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), governments, civil society organizations, health partners, industry and others will organize activities and events during the eighth International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.
This week of action is an initiative of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint (the Lead Paint Alliance), which is jointly led by UNEP and WHO.
The primary goal of the Alliance is to promote the global phase-out of lead paint through the establishment of appropriate legally binding measures to stop the manufacture, import, export, distribution, sale and use of lead paints in every country. International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week is an opportunity to draw attention to the need for action on lead paint and other sources of lead exposure.
Objectives of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
raise awareness about health effects of lead exposure;
highlight the efforts of countries and partners to prevent lead exposure, particularly in children; and
urge further action to eliminate lead paint through regulatory action at country level.
Call for action
Lead exposure from paint is entirely preventable. Paints for a range of uses can be manufactured without the addition of lead compounds. WHO calls on all countries that have not yet done so to establish the necessary legally binding measures to stop the use of lead in paint.
Source : WHO
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