My Life Is In Danger – MDC Alliance Official
27 October 2021
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Tinashe Sambiri|MDC Alliance Masvingo Province Youth Assembly spokesperson Timoth Muswere has fled terror in Mwenezi…

Known State security agents want to abduct him for “coordinating President Chamisa’s community engagement programmes in Masvingo.”

Muswere is now fearing for his life…

“CIOs came again to my homestead and at my shop on Wednesday (they spent the night in ward 2 looking for me).

Zanu PF councillor Zephania zhou is behind the attack. Pavanouya pega pega they hold long discussions with him.

I have learnt that they want to abduct me.

They are using a black Ford Ranger. The team consists of 3 men and 1 dreadlocked lady,” said Muswere.

Timoth Muswere